The Most Common Home Security Mistakes To Avoid

Home security is tough to get right. There are so many options, features, and technologies out there that it can be overwhelming. And while it may not be the most fun part of owning a home, it’s certainly one of the most important. 

Making sure you have the right equipment installed and configured correctly is an essential step in protecting your property and family from harm. 

But even if you buy all the best gear on the market (and we’ll talk about some good stuff below), there are still some things that can go wrong and they’re often pretty simple mistakes to avoid! 

Here are some common errors that homeowners make when trying to secure their homes:

Top 10 Surveillance Mistakes
Key Takeaways
– Home security is important, but it’s easy to make common mistakes that could leave your home vulnerable.
– Always lock your doors and windows, and use deadbolts for added security.
– Avoid leaving spare keys in obvious places. Consider giving a spare key to a trusted neighbor or investing in a smart lock.
– Keep the exterior of your home well-lit and trimmed to discourage potential intruders.
– Consider investing in a home security system for added protection and peace of mind.

Not Having A Home Security System Installed

You’re not going to be able to fight off a home invader with your bare hands, and you shouldn’t have to. With a security system, you can make sure that no one is ever alone in your home and if they are, they’ll have plenty of warning before anything happens. 

You’ll know how many people are there at all times (including pets), where they’re located and when something suspicious happens.

It’s also important for everyone in the family to know what an alarm sounds like so that no one panics when it goes off and calls 911 unnecessarily (or worse yet doesn’t call 911 at all). 

If children are old enough, include them in discussions about the importance of home security and show them how their parents’ plan works so that everyone is able to help out if needed.

Home security is a top priority for most people, but not everyone knows how to ensure their home is fully secure. It’s easy to make common mistakes that could leave your home vulnerable. That’s why we put together a comprehensive list of 10 Home Security Tips that you need to know now to keep your home safe and secure.

Forgetting To Lock Your Doors And Windows

The number one mistake people make when it comes to home security is forgetting to lock their doors and windows when they leave their house. 

This is a big deal because it’s easy to forget whether you locked the door, especially if it’s something that you only do once or twice a day.

If you’re going out of town, make sure that someone knows when you’ll be back so they can check on your home while it’s unoccupied (and remember: don’t give this person keys!). 

If possible, try not to leave your house empty for more than one day at a time unless absolutely necessary.

Remember: a locked door isn’t enough front doors should have deadbolts as well! Don’t ever place spare keys under doormats or potted plants; if these things are stolen along with external doors, burglars could easily break into your house without having to pick any locks at all. 

Stash them somewhere safe instead (a safe deposit box is always an option). And finally…don’t ever put key codes or combinations on sticky notes inside cars!

Leaving A Spare Key Under The Doormat Or Potted Plant

This is a common mistake that many homeowners fall into. It’s easy to think you’ve found the perfect hiding place for your spare key, but it can be easily duplicated without your knowledge if someone finds it.

Instead of leaving an actual key outside, try using a magnetic key box instead. These kinds of locks require two keys to open one for you and one for anyone else who has access to the house (like a babysitter or dog walker). They’re usually big enough that they won’t fit under any doormats or potted plants, either!

There are many misconceptions about home security that can prevent people from taking the necessary steps to protect their homes. Don’t fall for these common myths. Check out our article on Don’t Fall For These Common Home Security Myths to learn more about the truth behind common security misconceptions.

Keeping Your Alarm Code On A Note By The Keypad

You should not keep your alarm code on a note by the keypad. If you do, it’s easy for someone to find and use. Also, don’t give it to friends or neighbors they may be tempted to enter your home while you’re gone if they know how. 

Don’t put it in emails or text messages either; if your phone is stolen or hacked, anyone who obtains access to your data will have access as well. And never write down the code on paper and leave it somewhere where someone else could find it (even behind a picture frame).

The best way to keep track of an alarm access code is through voice recognition software that automatically recognizes only one voice (yours). 

The software then uses its artificial intelligence capabilities so that only those with the right voice can disarm any given system without needing any kind of special equipment like gloves or masks; this greatly reduces security risks involved with giving away such sensitive information!

Leaving Your Garage Door Open

A garage is like an open invitation to burglars. If you have one and it’s attached to your house, you’ll want to make sure that it’s locked at all times. 

You might think this will just be a pain in the neck, but there are actually some pretty good reasons why you should do this.

First, there are likely more than a few people who could easily break into your home through your garage. It doesn’t take much for someone who is determined enough: they could simply lift up the door (or even pry it open if they’re feeling particularly strong), then enter and go right inside.

This problem isn’t limited just to someone within arm’s reach of your home; this problem also applies if they were on vacation or business outside of town when they were not supposed to be around at all! How many times have we heard stories about tourists coming back from vacation only

to discover that their house had been broken into… and no one knew about it until long after the fact?! Well guess what: these things can happen anywhere! And if we’ve learned anything from these incidents… it’s that leaving doors open makes them easier targets!

Securing your home doesn’t have to break the bank. There are many affordable measures you can take to protect your home and family. Our article on Protect Your Home with These 17 Affordable Security Measures covers some simple steps you can take to increase your home’s security without spending a lot of money.

Advertising That You’re On Vacation

So you’re going on vacation. That’s great! But don’t advertise it to the whole world.

Don’t post pictures of your trip on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This can be a huge security risk for several reasons: firstly, it tells burglars that nobody is home; secondly, even if nobody sees the posts themselves (which isn’t likely), 

there’s a chance someone could screenshot them and circulate them among criminals; thirdly, those same criminals may use information gleaned from those photos (like where there are valuables) to break into your house while you’re away.

Additionally, don’t leave your car in the driveway when traveling this is another way for criminals to know that no one is home and gives them more time to come back later and steal something valuable like jewelry or electronics that were left unattended during daylight hours when everyone else would still be working/shopping/etcetera. 

In addition to making sure everything looks normal when people come by looking for something suspicious out of place near my house which would give them reason enough not only call police but also look around where I live just incase someone else might cause harm,” says Hernandez.”

Letting Strangers Into Your Home

If a stranger, who has never been in the home before and doesn’t have a good reason to be there, asks you to let them in, don’t do it. 

This could be an opportunity for a burglar to gain entry into your home. If anything ever feels wrong about someone’s visit or conversation with you, lock yourself inside until they leave and call 911 from another location if necessary.

Asking people for keys to their homes is also unnecessary and dangerous. Many burglars use this tactic when robbing homes: 

they pretend like they’re friends and ask for access so that they can let themselves back in later on when no one is around or even get invited inside by unsuspecting victims who believe the person’s story about needing somewhere to stay temporarily or needing some help moving something heavy into the house.

Risks of Letting Strangers Into Your Home

Security breachesAllowing strangers into your home could potentially lead to security breaches, putting you and your loved ones at risk of theft or burglary.
Property damageUnfamiliar individuals may lack the experience and knowledge to properly navigate and care for your home, leading to damage of your property.
Personal safety concernsAllowing strangers into your home can pose a potential risk to your personal safety, especially if you’re home alone.
Liability risksInviting strangers into your home can potentially lead to situations that could result in harm or injury, exposing you to financial and legal liability.

Note: Consider only allowing entrance to your home to individuals with a verified identity and purpose, like delivery personnel or service providers. Always thoroughly research the individuals or companies that will enter your home, and avoid giving them access to areas of the home that are not necessary for the services they are providing.

If you’re unsure about service personnel, consider using established, credible companies like Amazon Home Services or TaskRabbit to find trusted professionals.

Locking Yourself Out With No Way To Get Back In

You can avoid locking yourself out with a simple fix. If you don’t want to take the time, money, or effort to install a lock that requires a keypad or smart technology, consider getting a service like Lockout Assistance in case of emergencies. 

This is especially useful if you live alone and don’t have anyone else who can break into your home if you lose your keys (and happen to be away when it happens).

Another option is keyless entry locks that use fingerprint recognition software—these aren’t common yet but might become more popular in the future as they become less expensive. 

If these are too pricey for your budget right now (which is understandable), there are some alternatives:

  • Smart locks let you use an app on your phone to unlock doors with just one click
  • Smart doorbells have cameras built in so that you can see who’s at the door before opening up

Not Knowing How To Use Your Alarm System’s Features

You’ve already invested in a security system, but do you know how to use it?

In a perfect world, every alarm would be accompanied by a user manual that clearly explained everything the homeowner needed to know about their security system. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. 

In fact, many people who buy home security systems may not even understand how these devices work or exactly what they do. 

As a result of this lack of knowledge they can make common mistakes such as not setting up all of the features on their alarm or forgetting where they placed the keypad.

Below are some tips for getting started with your new home security system:

Investing in a good home security system is one of the best things you can do to protect your home and loved ones. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which system is right for you. That’s why we’ve put together a list of The Top 15 Home Security Systems for Maximum Protection to help you make an informed decision about which system is the best fit for your needs.

Using A One-Size-Fits All Security Plan For Your Home

One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to home security is using a one-size-fits all plan. While it may seem like having one system in place is better than having none, that’s not always the case. 

When you’re looking for home security, it’s important to consider how your system will fit with your lifestyle and budget. 

If you have an active lifestyle and want a system that allows for remote access and integration with other devices in your house, then a simple wired alarm will probably suffice. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more high-tech but don’t want to pay top dollar for it, consider exploring DIY (do-it-yourself) options instead of going with an expensive preconfigured package from the beginning; this way you can customize everything from start to finish based on your needs instead of being forced into what someone else thinks works best!

Risks of Using a One-Size-Fits-All Security Plan

Inadequate protectionA generic security plan may fall short of addressing the unique security needs of your home, leaving you vulnerable to break-ins, theft, and other threats.
Financial wasteA cookie-cutter security plan that doesn’t fit your home’s specific requirements may lead to unnecessary expenses, causing financial strain for you and your household.
False alarmsUsing a generic security system may result in false alarms, putting undue stress on emergency responders and potentially incurring fines or other penalties.
Limited monitoring capabilitiesA one-size-fits-all security plan may not come with the advanced monitoring capabilities necessary to meet your home’s specific security needs, leaving you blind to potential security threats.

Note: It’s important to have a security plan tailored specifically to your home’s unique features and potential vulnerabilities.

Consider conducting a home security assessment to identify areas that need additional security measures, and choose a security system that offers customized features and monitoring capabilities. Seek out security providers that offer a variety of customizable options like ADT, Ring, and Vivint.

Not Testing Your Alarm Regularly

The most common home security mistakes are made by those who don’t test their alarm regularly. If you don’t test it, you won’t know if it works. 

And if you don’t know that your system works, then when an intruder or fire breaks in and causes damage to your home, guess whose insurance company is going to get stuck with the bill?

Testing is important not just because of insurance claims but also because it ensures that the system will work when needed. 

The last thing you want is for someone (or something) to have access to your property without being detected by the alarm system. 

This could be a burglar stealing from you, or worse yet—a pet or child getting hurt as they wander around unsupervised on any given day when no one is home!

Keeping your home secure doesn’t have to be complicated. With a few simple upgrades, you can maximize your home’s security and give yourself peace of mind. Check out our article on Maximize Your Home’s Security with These Simple Upgrades to learn more about some easy ways to increase your home’s security.

Providing Access To Service Vendors You Don’t Know Or Trust

While it’s important to trust your service technicians and be friendly, you should never let strangers into your home without checking their identification. 

If possible, have them email or call in advance of their arrival so that you can verify that they’re who they say they are.

Additionally, don’t ever give out your alarm code! A lot of people will accidentally leave their door or window open for long periods of time when trying to get into the house quickly during a break-in situation and these windows can make great entry points for criminals looking to disable alarms or steal valuables. 

Always make sure that all doors and windows are locked when leaving your house unattended.

Risks of Providing Access to Untrusted Service Vendors

Fraudulent activityUntrusted service vendors may include fraudulent individuals or organizations that could take advantage of your access and potentially cause harm or steal personal information.
Property damageService vendors without a track record of reliability or experience may lack knowledge of how to properly address and fix an issue, posing a risk to the integrity of your home.
Security breachesGiving access to untrusted service providers could potentially lead to data breaches, putting your sensitive personal information at risk.
Poor service qualityHiring untrusted vendors may lead to poor quality service work, leaving you with incomplete or shoddy repairs that can result in costly repairs or potential health hazards.

Note: Always remember to thoroughly vet service vendors before agreeing to provide them access into your home. Consider researching their background, credentials, and experience to ensure that they are qualified and trustworthy.

If you’re unsure of a vendor’s reputation, ask for references or seek recommendations from trusted friends, family members, or online review sites.


In conclusion, it’s important to remember that security systems are only as good as their users. 

Even if you have the most advanced and expensive system on the market, if you don’t know how to properly use it or do not keep up with regular maintenance checks, your home is at risk of being burgled or broken into by a burglar. 

If you want to make sure that doesn’t happen, follow these tips and make sure your home is always protected!

Further Reading

Here are some more articles you might find helpful in avoiding common home security mistakes:

The Top 10 Home Security Mistakes: This blog post highlights some of the most common home security mistakes people make and provides tips on how to avoid them.

4 Biggest Home Security Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: This article from CNET discusses four of the biggest home security mistakes people make and provides practical solutions for avoiding them.

The Most Common Home Security Mistakes You Must Avoid: MakeUseOf offers this helpful guide on avoiding common home security mistakes that could leave your home vulnerable.


What are the most common home security mistakes people make?

Some of the most common home security mistakes include not locking doors and windows, leaving spare keys in obvious places, not using a security system or not monitoring it properly, and not keeping the exterior of the home well-lit and trimmed.

Why is it important to avoid home security mistakes?

Avoiding home security mistakes is important for protecting your home and loved ones from theft, burglary, and other criminal activity. Taking simple steps to secure your home can give you peace of mind and help prevent dangerous situations from occurring.

How can I avoid leaving spare keys in obvious places?

One way to avoid leaving spare keys in obvious places is to give a spare key to a trusted neighbor or friend instead. You can also invest in a smart lock that allows you to grant access to your home remotely without needing a physical key.

What are some affordable ways to increase home security?

Some affordable ways to increase home security include installing deadbolt locks, adding a security camera or video doorbell, putting up motion-activated lights, and trimming back any overgrown shrubs or trees around the house.

Do I need a home security system?

While it’s not necessary to have a home security system to keep your home safe, it can provide an extra level of protection and peace of mind. There are many affordable options on the market, and some insurance companies offer discounts for homes with security systems installed.