Keep Your Home Safe With These Expert Tips And Tricks

There’s nothing like coming home to a place that feels safe and secure. It’s one of the most important parts of having a home, and it’s something that should be taken seriously. 

You want to make sure you’re always protected from intruders, but that doesn’t mean you have to be paranoid either! 

We’ve put together some expert tips and tricks so you can keep your house safe while still allowing yourself plenty of freedom.

13 Tips To Keep Your Home Safe – YouTube
Keep your home secure with expert tips and tricks.
Don’t believe common home security myths without consulting an expert.
Protect your home with affordable security measures.
Avoid common home security mistakes by being vigilant.
The ultimate guide to home security for first-time homebuyers is a valuable resource.

A Functional Alarm System

An alarm system is an important part of home security, but they can be expensive to install. But there are some ways that you can get a great deal on an alarm system, including getting one free of charge!

  • Get the Police To Install Your Alarm System For Free

The police may be able to install your alarm system for free through their security department or even for a discounted price! 

They will come by and set up all the equipment for you so that it’s ready when you need it. This is especially helpful if you don’t have any experience with installing these types of devices in your home and don’t know where to begin looking for them or asking about them around town. 

The police will help make sure everything goes smoothly and safely too—they’ll make sure none of the wires get crossed during installation time so that nothing bad happens later down the road (like fire explosions!).

  • Get A Government Grant To Pay For It Yourself

If not having enough money isn’t keeping people from buying new stuff like this online then maybe it’s just because they haven’t found out about all these amazing deals yet? 

Some government grants allow eligible applicants access free services like alarms systems which could save families thousands over time!”

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or have lived in your home for years, ensuring its safety is paramount. Following these 10 home security tips can help protect your home from burglars and other threats.

Lock All Doors And Windows

Lock all doors and windows before leaving your home. Leaving doors and windows open can be an invitation for burglars to enter your home.

Don’t leave any doors or windows open when you are away from home. This means not just front and back doors but also garage doors, basement doorways, kitchen windows, sliding glass patio doors any opening that a burglar could use to gain access to your house. 

If you have an alarm system with motion sensors installed throughout the house then make sure that these sensors are functioning properly by testing them regularly when nobody is home or asleep at night so that you know whether they would alert you if someone were trying to break into your house while you were away from it!

Criminals often target homes whose owners leave them unattended whether due to vacation travel or simply because they are out running errands during business hours or doing yard work on weekends so be sure not only that all areas of your property are locked up securely but also anything else like vehicles parked in driveways or garages (which may have been left unlocked)

Here is a simple table showcasing the importance of locking all doors and windows to increase home security:

Type of LockDescription
Deadbolt LocksProvide additional security for exterior doors by using a steel bolt that extends into the door jamb.
Smart LocksUtilize biometric readers or keyless entry codes to lock and unlock doors.
Window LocksHelp prevent intruders from accessing your home through windows.
Door and Window SensorsAlert homeowners when a door or window is opened, even if it’s not locked.
Security ScreensProvide an additional layer of protection for doors and windows.

By using a combination of these locks and security measures, homeowners can significantly increase the security of their homes and deter potential intruders.

Install Motion Sensor Lights

Motion sensor lights are a great way to keep your home safe and secure. Motion sensors can be used to light up the driveway and walkways, as well as the backyard. 

The best placement for motion sensors is outside of your house. This will allow them to pick up any movement in the surrounding area, making it easier for you to spot intruders trying to break into your home at night.

Keep Valuables Out Of Sight

The first step to keeping your valuables safe is making sure they’re out of sight.

Hiding valuable items in drawers or a safe is an excellent way to protect them, but it’s not foolproof. The thief may notice something amiss if he or she has been in the house before and knows where certain objects are normally kept, or if he or she is familiar with the owner’s habits and knows when it’s likely that you’ll be away from home.

A safe deposit box at your bank offers better protection for items such as expensive jewelry and documents with personal information on them, but can still be compromised by someone who has access to your banking records.

If you want even more security than either of these options provides, consider investing in a lockable closet or safe designed specifically for securing valuables (and make sure that only those who need access for example, your spouse have one).

Here is a simple table showcasing the importance of keeping valuables out of sight to increase home security:

ItemHiding places
JewelrySafe, jewelry box, hidden compartment in closet
ElectronicsEntertainment center, desk drawer, safe
CashSafe, lockbox, under mattress
FirearmsSafe, lockbox, gun cabinet, hidden compartment

By keeping valuables out of sight, homeowners can prevent burglars from easily locating and stealing them. For additional protection, install a safe like SentrySafe or a lockbox like Master Lock to further secure your possessions.

Meet Your Neighbors

Introduce yourself to your neighbors.

Ask if they need anything from you, such as a cup of sugar or a loaf of bread.

If you don’t know them yet, introduce yourself and ask their name. You’ll be glad that you did when someone steals your stuff while you’re at work!

Don’t assume they’re criminals or friends: just meet them face-to-face so that no misunderstandings arise later on down the road when someone breaks into your home while away at work (or any other time).

There are many common home security myths that can lead to false senses of security. Don’t believe them without consulting an expert first.

Keep Your Landscaping In Check.

Maintain a lawn and garden. This can be done several ways, but the most effective is to have your lawn mowed regularly by a reputable company. Make sure you have someone who can also trim shrubs, bushes, hedges and trees on a regular basis as well.

Keep your yard clean. Of course this includes debris like leaves or other things that might cause damage to your home if they’re left unchecked (such as branches). 

But it also means keeping it free of litter and garbage so that pests won’t come around looking for food sources—especially rodents!

Owning a home is a significant investment, and protecting that investment should be a top priority. The ultimate guide to home security for first-time homebuyers is a valuable resource that can help you get started on safeguarding your home.

Make It Look Like You’re Home

If you’re heading out and want to look like someone is home, there are a few things you can do.

Leave a lamp on in the house. You don’t have to leave it turned on all day long, but if you’re going away for just a few hours, or even overnight, turning on one light will help make it look like someone is there. If people think no one is home then they may break into your house.

Open the curtains if possible so that anyone passing by can see inside (think of this as an extra security measure). If they see that everything looks normal then it should deter them from breaking in.

Put music on – ideally something classical or instrumental because these types of music tend not to change much over time so they won’t date your place quite as much!

Keep Your Valuables In A Safe Deposit Box

Don’t leave valuables in the open. Thieves won’t spend time looking for a safe deposit box, but they’ll take the easy option and grab whatever is in plain sight.

Don’t leave valuables in your car—or any other vehicle that you don’t have constant access to. Even if it’s locked, it’s still an open invitation for thieves who want an easy target.

Don’t keep cash or anything else of value in your home or office. If you have to leave something behind when going on vacation, put it somewhere safe first before leaving it out for anyone who might walk by and take it (and probably sell what they find).

Use hotel safes whenever possible when traveling; this way you can keep all of your belongings close at hand without having to worry about them being stolen while away from home base!

Securing your home doesn’t have to be expensive. With 17 affordable security measures, you can make your home safer without breaking the bank.

Don’t Post On Social Media You’re Going Out Of Town

If you’re going out of town, don’t post on social media about it. There are a few reasons for this:

Most burglars do their research and learn which homes to target by learning who lives there and what they own.

If you’re posting pictures of your home with the front door wide open and no cars in the driveway, it’s likely that nothing is being done to deter potential criminals from checking it out themselves.

Avoid making the most common home security mistakes by reading our insightful guide on how to avoid them.


We hope these tips and tricks have given you some idea of how to stay safe in your own home. Remember, it all starts with a good alarm system, one that will alert you when someone is trying to break in or out. 

That’s why it’s so important to take your time with this decision and find the right system for your needs and budget.