17 Hidden Home Security Threats You Need To Know About

Securing your home from potential threats is important, especially if you live in a city. You need to know what these threats are so that you can stay protected. The good news is that most of them are relatively easy to fix—if you know where to look for them. 

In this blog post, we’ll cover all of the hidden home security threats that could be lurking right under your nose and show you how easy it is to avoid them.

How to protect smart homes from cyber threats
– It’s essential to have good lighting both inside and outside of your home.
– Make it harder for potential intruders to access your property by installing security cameras and motion sensors.
– Don’t give away any information about your security system online or on social media.
– Make sure your Wi-Fi network is secure by using a strong password and changing it regularly.
– Keep your valuables in a secure location and out of sight of potential intruders.

1. Hidden Keys

Hidden keys are easy to access from the outside of your home. They can be used by burglars to gain access to your home, and they’re not just for front doors anymore! Hidden keys have been found in garages, backyards and even under doormats. 

It’s important that you check all areas of your property regularly for hidden keys or other suspicious objects that might make it easier for someone to break into your house–it could save you from becoming a victim of theft or burglary.

10 Home Security Tips You Need to Know Now: In today’s world, security is more important than ever. It’s alarming to think about, but break-ins and burglaries happen every day. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make your home more secure. Follow these 10 home security tips to help keep your home safe and secure.

2. Smart Devices

Home security threats don’t just come from your front door. Smart devices can also be used to gain access to your home and personal information. 

They are vulnerable to hacking, which can give criminals access to your smart locks or garage door openers. This makes it easier for them to break into your house and steal valuable items.

Smart devices also pose a threat because they have microphones that can listen in on conversations within range of their reach–which is usually quite extensive! 

This means that hackers could use them as listening devices if they wanted information from inside the house, such as passwords or other private details about its occupants’ lives (e.g., medical history). 

And finally: smart speakers like Amazon Alexa are designed specifically so that you can ask questions of them via voice command…but how do we know these devices won’t share our secrets with outsiders?

3. Password Managers

Password managers are a great way to keep your passwords secure and organized. But they can be hacked, too.

You should use a password manager that is secure and updated regularly, like 1Password or LastPass (if you’re cool with storing all your passwords in the cloud).

4. Underground Tunnel Systems

The most common use of underground tunnel systems is for transportation of goods and services. These tunnels can be either underground or underwater, but they’re usually built to conceal their existence from the general public.

In addition to this, some tunnels are used for military purposes: some countries have built them as part of their defense strategy against outside threats such as invasion by other nations; others have hidden them away so that they can hide from authorities who may want to arrest people living within those countries’ borders

The Top 15 Home Security Systems for Maximum Protection: The safety and security of your home are of utmost importance and investing in a home security system is one of the best ways to ensure it. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to decide which system is right for you. Check out our guide to the top 15 home security systems to help you make an informed decision and provide maximum protection for your home.

5. Your Neighbors

Your neighbors can be a source of security threats, information about your home and help if you are the victim of a security threat.

Security threats: If you don’t know your neighbors well and they see something suspicious going on in your house, they may not know how to handle it. For example, if someone sees someone breaking into their neighbor’s house or garage, they might call 911 instead of talking directly with that person. 

In this case, the police will respond but by then whoever was trying to break into the home could have already run away–and there is no guarantee that this won’t happen again! 

It would be better if these types of situations were handled directly between those involved so everyone knows exactly what happened and what needs to change moving forward.

Information about your home: If possible (without being intrusive), let people know where all entrances/exits are located so that they can help keep an eye out while preventing potential threats from entering undetected through an unguarded area such as an unlocked door or window screen.”

6. Motion Detectors

Motion detectors are another great way to keep an eye on your home. Motion sensors can be used in many different ways, from security cameras to home automation systems. 

For example, if you have a camera set up in the kitchen and it picks up movement around your perimeter but not within the room itself, then there might be someone trying to break into your house from outside (or even through a window).

Motion sensors can also detect movement inside of rooms as well–for example, if someone were hiding under your bed or behind furniture that covers them up completely, they would not trigger a motion sensor because they aren’t moving at all! 

This is why it’s important not just for homeowners but also renters who live alone or with roommates: You never know what could happen when you’re not there!

Protect Your Home with These 17 Affordable Security Measures: Home security doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s possible to protect your home and your family without breaking the bank. Our guide on protecting your home with these 17 affordable security measures will help you take the necessary steps to secure your home while staying within your budget.

7. Security Cameras

You might be thinking, “But how can I protect my home from security cameras?” It’s actually quite simple. 

Security cameras are great for protecting your property and can act as an early warning system for intruders, but they’re not impenetrable. Here are some things you can do to make sure your camera is safe:

  • Don’t leave cables exposed outside of the house or garage
  • Cover up lenses with tape (or use a cap) when not in use
  • Keep power sources out of reach by locking them up somewhere high on the wall or ceiling

8. Doorbells With Cameras

One of the best ways to keep an eye on your home while you’re away is with a video doorbell. However, these devices can be hacked and used to spy on people in their own homes. 

If you have one of these devices installed at your house, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:

  • Make sure that no one has access to the wifi network that the doorbell uses when it’s not connected to power. This means changing the password frequently (and using strong passwords) or disabling guest access altogether if there isn’t anyone else living at home who would need access.
  • Install anti-virus software and keep it updated regularly so that any malware threats can be detected and stopped before they cause damage or spread further throughout your network or computer system as a whole.

How to Choose the Best Home Security System for Your Needs: Choosing the right home security system can be overwhelming with so many options available. It’s essential to find a system that meets your specific needs and provides maximum protection for your property. Our guide on how to choose the best home security system for your needs will help you navigate the process and make an informed decision.

9. Burglar Alarms

Burglar alarm systems are one of the most common methods of home security. They’re also one of the easiest to install and use, as long as you have a basic understanding of how they work.

When you install a security system in your house, it’s important to test it regularly so that you know that everything is working properly. 

If something goes wrong with your alarm system at night when no one is around (and especially if there’s an intruder), then there could be serious consequences for not testing it before hand!

The first step toward installing any type of home security system is determining what kind of sensors should be used in conjunction with each other–for example, motion detectors should always be paired with door locks or windows so that they can alert authorities when someone breaks into either one. 

Next up: deciding where all these different devices will go throughout various parts of our homes. Then comes figuring out where we need power sources nearby so everything functions properly when needed most; often times this means drilling holes through walls etcetera but sometimes batteries alone will suffice depending on what type(s) need powering up.”

10. Your Social Media Profile

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but it can also be used by criminals to find out more about you. 

If someone wants to know where you live, they can easily look at your Instagram photos and find out where you spend most of your time.

If possible, make sure that all of your social media accounts have privacy settings enabled so that only people who are approved by the account owner can see their posts or profile information. 

Your Facebook profile photo should only show up on Facebook itself–don’t use it as an avatar on other websites or apps unless they’re part of a service such as LinkedIn or Yelp (where it makes sense).

The Most Common Home Security Mistakes to Avoid: Home security is something that should not be taken lightly, and there are a number of mistakes that homeowners make that can compromise their safety and security. Be sure to avoid these most common home security mistakes to keep your home and your family safe.

11. Pet-Friendly Home Security Systems

If you have a pet, it’s important to make sure they are trained and comfortable with the home security system. Pets may be able to accidentally trigger an alarm by walking across wires or pressing buttons on their way through the house. 

A barking dog can also be distracting during an emergency situation, making it harder for you to respond quickly enough if there really is an intruder in your home. 

Finally, if your pet isn’t trained properly around the home security system (or any other type of device), they could hurt themselves by getting trapped behind closed doors or windows activated by motion sensors; this could lead them into danger outside where they may be able to escape from harm’s way altogether!

Home Security SystemDescription
ADTOffers pet-sensitive motion detectors and a variety of sensors to minimize false alerts.
VivintIncludes customized settings for pet owners with motion sensors and door contacts.
SimpliSafeOffers a pet-friendly motion sensor that can distinguish between pets and intruders.
FrontpointOffers pet-friendly motion detectors and door sensors that detect small pets.

Note: These are some of the home security systems that are suitable for pet owners and their furry friends. Pet-friendly security systems typically include pet-sensitive motion detectors and sensors that can distinguish between pets and intruders. With these systems, pet owners can have peace of mind while keeping their pets safe and secure at home.

12. Deadbolts And Locks On Windows

Deadbolts and locks on windows are an important part of any home security system. They can help prevent burglars from breaking into your home through a window, so it’s vital that you have them installed correctly and regularly check that they’re working properly.

Here are some tips for installing deadbolts and locks on windows:

The first thing you need to do is measure your window frame – this will tell you what size lock you need to buy. If there’s already hardware in place, such as old-fashioned thumbscrews or a simple latch, remove these first before installing new hardware (unless they’re designed specifically for use together).

Once you’ve determined which kind of hardware works best for your needs–and how much space there is between the top rail of each door–you’ll want to install it according to manufacturer instructions; most come with easy-to-follow diagrams showing how everything should go together

13. Garage Doors

Garage doors are a common entry point for burglars. Most people don’t think about this when they leave their homes, but it’s true. 

Garage doors can be opened from the inside and outside, so if you’re not careful, you could leave yourself vulnerable to home security threats when you go on vacation or take a nap during the day.

Burglars will often check if there are pets or kids who might be able to open the garage door for them–especially if they see an unattended car parked outside! 

If there aren’t any animals around or small children playing near by (or even worse–your own), then this should be considered as another point of entry into your home while you’re away

14. Social Engineering Threats And Phishing Attacks 101

Social engineering threats are very common and one of the easiest ways to get access to personal information.

Phishing attacks are a form of social engineering that uses emails or phone calls to trick you into giving up personal information, or installing malware on your computer.

It’s important that you know how these attacks work so you can avoid them! Luckily, there are many ways to prevent phishing attacks from happening:

15. Fake Security Signs And Stickers

This one is a pretty obvious one, but it’s still worth mentioning. If you see a sign or sticker that says “Security Camera In Use” and there isn’t actually any security camera in use, then it’s probably fake. 

Think about how much these signs cost–you can’t just buy them on Amazon for $5 (although I would love if they did). They’re also not something that can be printed at home either; they require special printers and materials that are only available to professional businesses or government entities.

So what do these fakes look like? Well, they’ll usually have some kind of logo or slogan printed on them like: “We Protect Your Privacy!” or “Our Customers Are Our Priority!” 

But here’s the thing: if someone wants to trick people into thinking they have cameras running all over their store or business area, why would they put out signs saying things like this? Wouldn’t it make more sense just not having any signs out at all so no one knows whether there are cameras around or not?

That way when someone sees footage from somewhere else online with similar wording as yours (but without any actual proof), he/she might assume those two were made by different companies instead of realizing something fishy was going on here…

16. Landscaping Threats To Home Security

Hiding behind trees or shrubs is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Burglars will look for places where they can hide out of sight and wait for you to leave your house, then they’ll break in while you’re gone. To prevent this from happening, make sure that all areas around your home are visible from inside or near windows so no one can sneak up on anyone inside of it without being seen first by someone else.

Landscaping features that could be used to hide a security camera

Another thing burglars like doing is stealing security cameras before breaking into houses so that police won’t know who did it if caught on camera later on down the road (and unfortunately there aren’t many ways around this yet). One way around this problem is by installing fake cameras made out of cardboard tubes painted black with red LED lights inside them so people think there’s actually something recording footage when really nothing’s been recorded yet until they actually start committing crimes against others’ property rights!

Overgrown Shrubs and TreesBurglars can easily hide behind them to break in unnoticed.
Untrimmed GrassUncut grass is a tell-tale sign of an unoccupied home and can attract burglars.
Lack of LightingPoor lighting can make it easier for burglars to operate undetected.
Hiding PlacesTall hedges and privacy fences can provide hiding places for burglars.
Allowing the Garden to Become OvergrownOvergrown gardens can make it obvious that a property is vacant and an easy target for burglars.

Note: These are some of the landscaping threats to home security, which can make your property vulnerable to burglaries. Taking necessary actions such as trimming shrubs and trees, maintaining proper lighting, and avoiding hiding places can help to increase the security of your property.

17. Your Computer And Mobile Phone Security Settings From The Inside Out

  • Understand the importance of security settings on your computer and mobile phone
  • Understand the difference between privacy and security settings
  • Set up your computer and mobile phone security settings correctly, or ask someone you trust to do it for you.
  • Check regularly to make sure that everything is still working as it should be.


Now that you know the 17 hidden home security threats and their solutions, it’s time to take action. You can start by making sure your devices and social media profiles are secure. Then, look into installing a smart lock or other tech-savvy device at your front door!

Further Reading

10 Simple Ways to Secure Your New Home: This article provides ten effective and simple ways to secure your new home.

How to Find Hidden Cameras: If you suspect someone is spying on you, this article will show you how to find hidden cameras.

Online Security 101: How to Protect Your Privacy from Hackers, Spies, and the Government: This article provides valuable information on how to protect your privacy online.


How can I make my home more secure?

There are several ways to make your home more secure, including installing a home security system, adding deadbolts to doors, and reinforcing windows with shatter-resistant film.

What are some common home security mistakes to avoid?

Leaving doors and windows unlocked, hiding spare keys outside, and leaving valuables in plain sight are common home security mistakes to avoid.

How can I detect hidden cameras in my home?

If you suspect hidden cameras in your home, you can use a camera detector device that can detect radio waves emitted by a camera.

How can I protect my privacy online?

To protect your privacy online, you can use virtual private networks (VPNs), use strong passwords, and enable two-factor authentication on your accounts.

How can I protect my devices from malware and viruses?

To protect your devices from malware and viruses, use reputable antivirus software, avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown attachments, and keep your operating system and software up to date.