The Best Smart Home Devices For Energy Savings

The smart home is the future of home automation. Smart devices are everywhere and they’re getting better all the time. 

They can make your life easier, but they also help save energy around your house! Here’s a look at some of our favorite smart home devices that will help you conserve energy and keep your electricity bill low:

5 Devices To Save Energy In Your Smart Home
The use of smart home devices can significantly reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills.
There are many types of smart home devices available that can help homeowners monitor and reduce their energy consumption, including smart thermostats, LED light bulbs, and smart power strips.
Smart home devices can be controlled remotely and can learn your daily routine, adjusting your home’s temperature and lighting accordingly to help reduce energy waste.
Investing in smart home devices can help you save money on energy bills over time, and there are many affordable options available on the market.
To learn more about how to save energy with smart home devices, check out the further reading section for a list of helpful resources.

Smart Thermostats

If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a smart thermostat to save money on your energy bill, this is the section for you. Smart thermostats have several benefits over traditional models, including:

  • Convenience
  • Cost savings
  • Energy efficiency

If you’re looking to safeguard your home and family, make sure to check out our article on 10 Must-Have Home Security Devices that every homeowner should consider. From smart locks to video doorbells, these devices can significantly bolster your home security.

Smart Plugs

With a smart plug, you can control the power to any device that requires electricity. They’re useful for turning off unused devices when they’re not in use, or turning them on at specific times of day. 

Smart plugs are also extremely useful for monitoring your energy usage and setting timers for when you want certain devices to turn on/off or adjust their brightness or volume.

Wemo Insight Smart PlugAllows you to remotely control and monitor energy usage of devices connected to the plug
TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug MiniOffers remote control and scheduling of connected devices, with energy monitoring capabilities
Belkin WeMo Mini Smart PlugOffers remote control of connected devices and scheduling, with energy monitoring capabilities
Meross Smart Wi-Fi PlugAllows you to remotely control connected devices and monitor energy usage
Satechi Smart PlugEnables remote control and scheduling of connected devices, with energy monitoring capabilities

Note: Product names are mentioned as a reference and not an endorsement.

Smart Water Leak Detectors

Smart water leak detectors are a smart investment. Even if you don’t have any water leaks, it’s still worth it to buy one. 

That’s because they can alert you to a leak before it becomes a problem and cause damage to your property or drywall. 

They can also save you money by preventing mold and mildew from forming in your home, which is expensive to remove (and unhealthy).

If you do have a leak in your home and haven’t installed an automatic detector yet, get one now! It’s easy to set up: just plug the device into an outlet near where the water is coming through and wait for the flashing lights on the unit when there’s an issue with your plumbing system.

Wondering what’s new in the world of home security gadgets? Discover the latest and most innovative devices by reading our guide on The Latest Home Security Gadgets. From AI-powered surveillance cameras to smart smoke detectors, keep your home safe and secure with these cutting-edge technologies.

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is the most basic way to smarten up your home. These devices are controlled from your smartphone and can make it easier for you to keep track of how much energy you’re using. 

They also allow for more control over the types of light used in different rooms, which can save money on your electric bill in the long run.

Smart lighting is great for safety reasons as well. For example, some lights can sense when someone enters or leaves a room and will turn off or on accordingly. 

This means you won’t have to remember to turn off all of your lights before going to bed at night. The lights will do that themselves! 

It also means that if an intruder breaks into your home while you’re asleep, they won’t be able to find their way around easily because all of the lights will be off (or even better yet: they’ll think they’re still on).

The best part about smart lighting? Not only does it save money on electricity costs by automatically turning off when not needed but also makes life easier by offering extra convenience features like controlling multiple devices at once with just one touch!

Smart Power Strips

A smart power strip is a great way to control multiple devices from one location. You can turn off or on several items at once, and even set timers for them to come on or off at different times of day. 

Monitoring the energy usage of your electronics can also be helpful in determining which ones are using the most energy and should be replaced with more efficient models.

Protecting your home doesn’t have to break the bank. Our article on 15 Surprising Ways to Secure Your Home on a Budget offers practical tips and tricks to safeguard your home without spending a fortune. From window bars to solar lights, learn how to secure your home without sacrificing your savings.

Energy Monitoring Systems

These smart home devices let you monitor and compare how much energy you’re using compared to other months. You can also set goals for your energy usage and track it over time. 

This way, you’ll be able to figure out if something in the house is causing a spike in consumption, or if there’s something that needs fixing. 

These systems also let you switch off appliances remotely, so if you’re leaving town on vacation and need help remembering to turn off the air conditioning before closing up the house for a few weeks, look no further!

If all of this sounds like too much work or outside of your budget range right now, don’t worry: there are plenty of ways that have nothing to do with technology at all (and everything to do with saving money)!

Sense Home Energy MonitorProvides real-time energy usage data and alerts to help reduce energy waste
Neurio Home Energy MonitorTracks energy consumption by appliance and provides personalized recommendations for reducing usage
Eyedro Electricity MonitorMonitors energy usage in real-time and provides detailed energy reports
Emporia Vue Energy MonitorProvides real-time energy data and alerts, with the ability to track energy usage by individual circuit
TED Pro HomeMonitors energy usage in real-time, with the ability to track energy usage from multiple circuits and appliances

Note: Product names are mentioned as a reference and not an endorsement.

Smart Blinds, Shutters, And Shades

Smart blinds, shutters, and shades are a great way to save energy on your house. These devices can be controlled remotely from your phone, so you don’t have to get up to open or close them. 

You can also program them so they open at a certain time and close at another, which is great if you have trouble remembering when they need adjusting.

You can also program them based on the weather! If it’s sunny outside and you’re not home or don’t want the sun shining through your windows all day long, smart blinds will close automatically when there’s too much heat coming in through the glass. 

This helps lower energy bills by keeping expensive items like furnaces from running unnecessarily during peak hours of the day.

For a comprehensive guide on home security devices, be sure to check out our article on The Top Smart Home Devices for Security and Safety. This guide covers the must-have devices for protecting your home, from smart cameras to security systems. Keep your home and family safe with these cutting-edge technologies.

Smart Ceiling Fans

Smart ceiling fans are a great way to save energy and money. They’re also easy to control, making them a smart choice for anyone who wants to stay cool without worrying about the thermostat.

If you have a smart home, you can use your Alexa device or Google Assistant to adjust the fan’s settings from anywhere in your house. 

And if there are multiple people in your household using the same system (like an Echo Dot), it’s helpful that each person can have their own access codes so they don’t accidentally turn off the fan when they mean to turn on another lamp.

What’s more, these fans offer other benefits: they’re quieter than traditional models, which means they won’t be disruptive while watching TV or sleeping.

Smart Vents And Registers

Smart vents and registers are a great way to keep your home comfortable without wasting energy. 

They can be controlled by smart home devices, which means that you can adjust the temperature in one room or the humidity level in another by simply telling your digital assistant what you want. 

Or if you have more than one device, with voice control it’s as easy as saying “Alexa, turn off the vent downstairs”.

Additionally, these smart vents/registers can also help save energy by allowing airflow control. This means that they’ll automatically close when it’s time for an appliance like an air conditioner or heater to turn on ensuring that no heat escapes unnecessarily while still allowing cool air into a room when needed.

Keen Home Smart VentsAutomatically open and close vents based on room temperature and occupancy
Ecovent Smart Vent SystemUses sensors to monitor temperature and air pressure and adjust vents accordingly
Flair Smart VentCan sense room temperature and adjust airflow to optimize comfort and reduce energy waste
Samsung SmartThings Home Monitoring KitAllows you to remotely control and monitor your home’s temperature and air flow
Roowifi Smart VentRemotely controllable vents that automatically adjust airflow based on room temperature and occupancy

Note: Product names are mentioned as a reference and not an endorsement.

Smart Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon monoxide (CO) can be a deadly and invisible gas. It’s most commonly associated with house fires, but it can also be produced by faulty heating systems, fireplaces or generators. According to the EPA, nearly 2,500 Americans die each year from accidental CO exposure.

If you’re concerned about your home’s CO levels and want to make sure they’re safe for your family members before they start using smart carbon monoxide detectors in their homes:

Learn as much as possible about the symptoms of CO poisoning and what you should do if someone in your household is experiencing them.

Be wary of any appliances that run on natural gas or propane fuel. These types of products are common sources of toxic gases like carbon monoxide (CO). 

Also keep an eye out for any leaking pipes or loose connections in these appliances’ exhaust vents that could lead to dangerous levels within the home’s walls or attic space. 

If something doesn’t seem right about how things look when running normally and especially if there has been a recent change such as installation/replacement work done behind closed doors–that could indicate something untoward going on inside.”

If you’re experiencing issues with your home network, our article on 15 Common Home Network Mistakes and How to Avoid Them provides valuable insights into how to optimize your network. From using the wrong router to ignoring security threats, learn how to avoid these common mistakes and enhance your home network performance.


There are plenty of smart home devices to choose from, but these should be the starting point on your journey towards energy-efficient living. These devices are easy to install and use, so you can start saving money today!

Further Reading

If you’re looking for more resources on how to save energy with smart home devices, check out the following articles:

Best Smart Home Devices to Save Energy by Vivint: This article offers a comprehensive list of devices that can help reduce your energy consumption and save money on utility bills.

Save on Utility Bills this Summer with These Eco-Friendly Smart Home Devices by CNET: Learn how to keep your energy bills low during the summer season by investing in these eco-friendly devices.

The Best Energy-Saving Smart Home Gadgets by Science Focus: This article offers a list of smart home gadgets that can save energy throughout the year and reduce your carbon footprint.


What are smart home devices for energy savings?

Smart home devices for energy savings are technologies that help homeowners monitor and reduce their energy consumption. These devices may include smart thermostats, energy-efficient light bulbs, and power strips.

How do smart thermostats save energy?

Smart thermostats save energy by automatically adjusting your home’s temperature based on your daily routine. They can learn your preferences and adjust the temperature accordingly to help reduce energy waste.

Can smart light bulbs save energy?

Yes, smart light bulbs can save energy by using LED technology, which is more energy-efficient than traditional light bulbs. Additionally, they can be controlled remotely to reduce energy waste when you’re away from home.

What is a smart power strip?

A smart power strip is a device that can help you reduce energy waste by cutting power to electronics that are not in use. They can be controlled remotely and can also offer surge protection for your devices.

Are smart home devices expensive?

While some smart home devices can be expensive, there are many affordable options available on the market. Additionally, investing in smart home devices can help you save money on energy bills in the long run.